Wer mich kennt hat sicher schon erdulden müssen, dass ich oft und gerne ausführlich über das Thema «Wandern» spreche. Ich lebe in der Schweiz, bewege mich gerne, liebe es in der Natur zu sein, fotografiere und dokumentiere gerne … und so habe ich viele Wandergeschichten zusammengetragen und hoffentlich bald mal online publiziert.

Das Domain «wanderpost.ch» habe ich schon, nun bin ich noch nicht dazu gekommen, diese Riesenmenge Texte/Bilder/Karten als Website aufzubauen. Es ist noch ein Work in Progress – Hier ein Auszug:

I am a dual national (Swiss/American) who lives in Zürich, Switzerland. Wanderpost is about my love of hiking and the routes that I have walked in and around Switzerland. First inspired by history and later by a desire to experience nature’s beauty in solitude, I’ve walked a number of passes, historical trails, the Swiss Camino trail as well as part of the periphery of this alpine nation (stay tuned for more: my hike around Switzerland is one of many works in progress).

On one of my first hikes over the Gotthard Pass, I noticed how many women were hiking on their own – and this certainly inspired me to do that as well. Why solo? Although I am aware that this is somewhat risky, and although it’s wonderfully fun to hike and chat with a good friend, when I’m walking solo for long stretches, my mind has time to unravel recent problems, my senses are heightened and my «inner voice» has an opportunity to make itself known. Nature presents itself differently – almost magically – and I must say I’ve become addicted to these phenomenal moments which occur almost only when I’m by myself.

Nonetheless, I prepare my hikes in detail, keep an eye on the weather and carry the appropriate gear (most of the time!), consider alternative routes, communicate my whereabouts often; in short – I make an effort to keep as safe as possible.

I hope that I can inspire you to get out there, to hike and discover on your own, and to see what this does for you. Please consider the risks involved and prepare carefully. This website is a subjective, personal recording of my hiking experiences and not an official trail guide; when planning your own tours, enjoy my inspiration – but then please consult more comprehensive trail guides & maps for tour information and respect the weather as well as your own limits !!

And one last thing: why English? I’m guessing that I have more Swiss friends that understand English than American friends who understand German, so that’s one reason. The next reason is that it’s a joy for me to write in my mother tongue – and it would take me ten times longer to do this in German. Nonetheless, I have left the route descriptions in German to aid your search for more information online.